I Drank Butter Coffee for Two Weeks and This is What Happened.


That's what happened. And, boy, did it shock me silly. Because....how is adding butter to my coffee going to boost my energy?? It's actually the combination of coffee + butter + MCT oil that make the magic happen. And, yes. It is MAGICAL.

Butter (or Bulletproof) coffee has been used mostly by people on the Ketogenic diet because it can replace breakfast due to the amount of healthy fats found in grass-fed butter + MCT oil while kick-starting metabolism and supercharging brain function. Now, I'm not a huge fan of the ketogenic diet because I'm not one to promote (essentially) starving yourself through intermittent fasting simply to kick a plateau to the curb or jump-start weight loss. I'm just not.  I also have problems keeping weight on, so I can't really use Bulletproof coffee as what it's actually intended for: a meal replacement so that you don't break your fast between evening and lunchtime. The few mornings that I did run out the door to work and didn't eat breakfast before I drank the coffee, I noticed that, while maybe I wasn't "hungry" before lunch, I was shaky due to a lack of protein/carbs. And I don't like being shaky. But I do love what this coffee has done for me in the past two (2) weeks. 

I know what you're thinking. This girl is consuming DAIRY?!? Remember back when I was saying that I thought I may be able to tolerate grass-fed whole milk? That's proving to be true. And I am oh, so happy because coffee from The Depot is the greatest!

The first week that I started drinking it, I was battling some serous fatigue thanks to Sjögren's. As in, it didn't matter what time I went to bed or how many hours of sleep I got. When my alarm would go off in the morning the struggle to open my eyes was ridiculous. And I was just tired all day. Tired and grouchy. And this had been going on for about 6 weeks. SIX WEEKS. By day 3, I noticed that getting up in the morning wasn't as much of a chore as it had been. And by the end of week 1, I almost felt normal. Well, maybe not a "normal" person's normal.... but my kind of normal. The next week (this past week) I had a lot on my work plate. A few 8am to 12am days, a couple more late nights, and a lot of mental work. If I had been hit with this week about 3 weeks ago, it would have been rough. But I really think the credit goes to butter coffee for saving my tush and giving me back my energy. 

Here's how you make it.

You could go all-out fancy and pay upwards of $60+ for the Bulletproof MCT oil + coffee, but I'm just too much of a realist and number cruncher when it comes to spending money on something that I could put together just as easily and for a lot less money. (Now, I've been known to spend $$$ on ground coffee because coffee is life and I'm a self-proclaimed coffee snob, but the only thing "different" that I could tell about the ground Bulletproof coffee was that they're supper finicky about where they get their beans from, the roasting process, packing, etc. I can get local coffee for a third of the price that is just as good. I'm also not into paying $45.95 for a bottle of something that I can get for $20 cheaper that is just as good quality-wise. But....to each his own. (Do your research and go with your gut!)

The players.

1 cup brewed Coffee (Just don't use Folger's, guys. Get a good brand.)
1 Tablespoon high-quality grass-fed Butter (I use Kerrygold)
2 Tablespoons MCT Oil. (I get mine from Left Coast Performance. But you do you.)
1 Tablespoon Coconut Milk (I sometimes use my own homemade dairy-free creamer and it is hella good. And I may or may not use 2 Tablespoons instead of one. Because life should be lived without restrictions. Recipe below.)
2 scoops of Collagen Peptides (Because I love collagen.)

In a blender, combine all ingredients. Blend for 30 seconds. Pour into a mug and enjoy. That's it. Super simple to make!

**Let me just put a small disclaimer on MCT oil. You can overdose on it. And it is not pretty. Just a quick glance after typing "MCT oil overdose" in your search engine will cause your eyes to fall on the heading "Disaster Pants." You get the picture. The directions on the oil even say to start out at 1 teaspoon and work your way up:

Well.... I have been taking MCT Oil faithfully since September and I adore it. (Read all of the details on MCT Oil here.) I love that it has helped me cut back on some supplements that I was taking and has helped to decrease my constant brain fog. It's a wonder oil in my book! I've steadily been increasing my intake to 2 Tablespoons and have tolerated it well. Up until a week ago. When I decided that it would be perfectly fine to take 2 Tablespoons of MCT oil straight. On an empty stomach. And then follow it with an avocado. And no carbs or protein. Just an avocado. 😶

Guys. There is nothing like experiencing an MCT oil overdose. It's like you're dying. And you're on fire. And you're just going to die. Right there. In the bathroom. Going up in flames. And holding on for dear life because you were insane and overdosed on this oil that is so good for you! I think I was in the fetal position for about 3 hours. Annnnnd a little gun shy the next time I got up the nerve to take it again. But, that was a week ago, and I've been taking my normal dosage since then without any problem! Granted, it's probably because I've been keeping to taking it mixed into my coffee, but I'll probably take it straight again. Only...I'll just make sure that I've eaten when I take it because, Lawd have mercy, I do not want to experience that ever again. EVER! 

Here's my takeaway on butter coffee: 1) don't drink it on an empty stomach unless you enjoy a case of "the shakes," 2) use good quality ingredients, 3) sip away and watch the benefits roll in. 



Dairy-free Coffee Creamer
Makes 4 cups


2 cups Coconut Milk
1 1/2 cups Almond Milk
1/4 cup Maple Syrup
1 Tablespoon Vanilla Extract


Mix all ingredients in a saucepan; simmer for 15 minutes (do not boil). Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature. Store in the refrigerator.


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