I'm terrible with titles.

Seriously. It took me way too long to figure out what I wanted to name the blog. THEN, the blog genie tells me that I have to name each post. So rude. 

I know that every blog "must" start with the obligatory "about me" so you can get a glimpse of the person behind the screen. But have you honestly ever tried to WRITE about yourself? It's hardcore. Like...lifelong commitment hardcore. I've been trying to put this one together for weeks and have edited it so many times that it could make a grown man cry. Anyway, without further adieu (drum roll, please)...here goes nothin'.

I'm Heather - a twenty-something cavewoman, born and raised in, quite possibly, the most southern part of the South, learning to thrive with 4 Autoimmune Diseases (Rheumatoid Arthritis, Sjögren's Syndrome, Costochondritis, and Lichen Planus). I'll touch on each of those later because, trust me, it's a whole laundry list long and who wants to be bored with details when I can just shower you with goodness and maybe a recipe or two? Eeeeexactly. (As a "thank you" for reading this all the way to the end, you'll find a recipe and a podcast recommendation. So...Thank you! And I hope you don't fall asleep before you finish reading!)

I've always been a health nut. You know, the norm: eat all the nutritious foods, work out at all the right times, take all the supplements and vitamins. All the things. I was in great shape and felt good. Then, one fateful day in 2012, I woke up barely able to walk and I knew there was something seriously wrong with my, what I thought to be in tip-top shape, body. Walking is vital, of course, but being a teenager at the time, I had jobs (5 to be exact) that I had to show up to and I wanted to be playing sports and hanging out with my friends, but I could barely get out of bed, let alone do any of those things. The frustration of inconclusive tests, blood work, and more specialists than I'd like to remember brought me to tears. I wasn't getting answers, but I knew there was obviously something going on under my epidermis that my body did not like at all. I had to figure out what was going on. 

Fast forward 4.5 years and here I am - trying new (read: weird) forms of treatment, eating clean according to the body test (I'll touch on that at some point in time), and just learning to love life while trying to kick Autoimmune Diseases in the tush. The whole reason that I'm doing this to share my trial and error treatments, discoveries, research, favorite recipes, and who knows what else in the hopes of helping someone else on the same (or similar) journey. If I can help just one person get one step closer to healing, my mission is complete.

So, thanks for stopping in to read this. All the posts from here on out will be much more informative, but always entertaining. Life's a beach and you've gotta ride the waves as best you can.



Apple Nachos
Serves: 4
Recipe adapted from Paleo Happy Hour by Kelly Milton

2 ounces dairy-free, semi-sweet chocolate chips (who am I kidding, I use at least 4 oz.)
1/4 cup almond butter
1/4 cup maple syrup (my favorite brand is Hidden Springs Organic)
2 large red skin apples (Gala, Braeburn, Fuji, whatever floats your boat)
1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
1/3 cup pecans, chopped (the original recipe actually calls for walnuts, but I can't stand them. So....pecans all the way)
1/4 cup mini dairy-free, semi-sweet chocolate chips

In a small saucepan, melt chocolate over low heat, stirring occasionally until melted. (I've also done this in the microwave because I haven't been patient enough to wait for the stove-top method.)

In a small microwave-safe bowl, combine almond butter and maple syrup; microwave for 10 seconds.

Cut apples into thin slices; toss in lemon juice. Arrange apples on a large platter. Drizzle the apples, first, with the almond butter mixture, and then with the melted chocolate. Sprinkle with pecans and mini chocolate chips. And just dig right in.

Podcast: The Paleo Women Podcast (You've got to give them a shot. I was hooked after the first episode. They're so informative while, at the same time, hilarious!)


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