Sjögren's syndrome + Oil Pulling. I'm Sorry. What?

I have this autoimmune disease that goes by the name "Sjögren's syndrome." It isn't pleasant by any means and it causes issues. Daily. Issues such as joint and muscle pain, dry eyes, dry mouth...dry everything. Ya feel? It's just not fun.

A little insight into Sjögren's syndrome. Much like other autoimmune diseases (just a recap: autoimmune diseases are rooted by the abnormal production of extra antibodies found in the blood that target various parts of the body resulting in inflammation or irritation of some degree (read: your body is trying to kill itself.)), Sjögren's fights the body by attacking various organs, specifically moisture-producing glands (tears, saliva, etc.) causing gland inflammation which results in dry eyes (lacrimal glands), dry mouth (parotid glands), and dry anything else that's supposed to contain moisture (I'll just leave that there).

just so happen to have secondary Sjögren's syndrome, meaning that my SS is coupled with another AI disease - Rheumatoid Arthritis, a connective tissue disease. And, since I have RA, I'm prone to (and deal with) the rheumatic side effects of Sjögren's syndrome which result in head to toe pain (joints, tendons, ligaments, bones, muscles), numbness/tingling of extremities, ugly little nodules that come and go as they please on my fingers and toes, and fatigue. Lovely, eh? Life's a crazy ride!

The whole dry mouth/dry eye thing is really getting to me though. Getting to me in the sense that I have succumbed to using this gift from Heaven called gel eye drops that lubricate my eyes in an amazing way. And I have natural moisturizing sprays for my mouth on my person at all times. Because, when my mouth gets dry, my throat is the first victim to fall prey to the dryness by way of terrible dry coughs and sudden vocal strain. And that results in sounding like a dying frog. And in my line of work, clients don't like to listen to a dying frog talk to them on the phone. Amen?

Now, I'm used to dealing with the joint and muscle pain. It's my current life and I just take it day by day. (Thank you cryotherapy, balance balls, foam rollers, and epsom salt baths!) This whole "dry mouth" thing, on the other hand, is just not cutting it. I love being able to talk and laugh and when I'm stopped dead in my tracks with a dry cough that just won't stop, something's gotta give. This throat spray is absolutely wonderful. But there's something else that I've discovered that may be more beneficial than just coating my throat with an oral spray.

Oil Pulling.

Say what? Hang with me here.

Oil pulling has been used for more than 3,000 years as a way to remove bacteria and promote healthy teeth and gums. It began in India in this thing called Ayurvedic medicine, which is the worlds oldest holistic healing system. Who knew, huh?

The act of swishing/pulling the oil around cleans your mouth, rids it of nasty toxins, and helps to prevent cavities and gingivitis, heal gum disease/sensitivity, and, some have said, can even reverse or slow the effects of tooth decay. It can also kill bad breath, whitens teeth, strengthen your gums and jaw, heal cracked lips, and soothe throat dryness. does this "oil pulling" thing work?

You take about 1 tablespoon of cold pressed oil (I use coconut because of its overall health benefits, but you can use sesame, olive, any good, high quality oil - the higher the quality, the more nutrient-dense and beneficial the oil) and swish it in your mouth pulling it through your teeth and letting it cover your entire mouth - avoiding the throat - for 5-20 minutes. The longer you can swish the oil, the more toxins you'll pull. Just don't swallow it! Once you're done swishing, spit it out in the toilet or the garbage can. Avoid spitting it in the sink because, well, oil can harden and clog up a drain. And ain't nobody got time for that. After you dispose of the oil, rinse your mouth out with a small amount of salt water. (You can use regular warm water, but why not throw in some extra antimicrobial action while you're at it?)

When is it best to oil pull?

Most people tend to think that morning - right after you wake up - is the best time to oil pull. And, if you think about it, it makes sense. You've slept all night and there are bound to be hundreds of germs roaming around in your mouth. So, if you oil pull in the morning, it helps to remove those germs and start your day off on the right path.  

Sometimes though, there just isn't enough time in the morning to get everything done and out the door on time. (Story of my life.) I've been oil pulling at night during the week, and I still think it helps. Maybe not "as much" as it could, but it's better than not doing it at all!

Now, for some pros/cons. Dentists have definitely weighed-in on the art of oil-pulling and have some feedback:
  1. It can't replace flossing and brushing. Oil pulling isn't magical. You still have to do some work to keep your pearly whites, well...white.
  2. It is a great replacement for mouthwash and can improve gut health. Think about it. The mouthwash that's probably sitting in your bathroom cabinet right now claims to kill 99% of germs. As I've mentioned before - you still need good bacteria to keep your tummy happy. By oil pulling, you wipe out the bad bacteria and pump antioxidants in your body at the same time. (If you use coconut oil to oil pull, think vitamin E, lauric acid, etc.)
  3. It's not safe for young kids. Best to keep it in the preteen +.
  4. It's not a cure-all. Yes, you still have to go to the dentist and get your teeth cleaned every 6 or so months. I wish there was a way to avoid it, but I haven't found one yet!
This sounds pretty neat, hmm?

When I was reading up on oil pulling before I got started, I came across a post about making oil pulling tablets and adding turmeric and essential oils to the mix. And if you know anything about me, you know that I love turmeric. And.... I love essential oils. Plus, since turmeric is an amazing anti-inflammatory, it's no surprise that it helps with reducing gum inflammation. Turmeric is also said to help whiten teeth. I'm not too sure about this one just yet, but...since plaque causes "yellowing" of the teeth and this study conducted shows that turmeric mouthwash helps to treat both gingivitis and plaque...who am I to say that it won't whiten my teeth? Only time will tell. And I'll take all of the added benefits for treating Sjögren's syndrome naturally that I can get!



Oil Pulling Cubes


1/3 cup melted, cold-pressed coconut oil
1/4 - 1 teaspoon turmeric
3-10 drops each, Spearmint, Peppermint, Clove, Cinnamon, and Orange essential oils


Add turmeric and essential oils to coconut oil and stir until combined. Pour mixture into individual ice cube or silicone trays (I use this one).

When you're ready to oil pull, take one tablet, place it in your mouth and swish it around to dissolve. Pull through your teeth and swish around your mouth to coat for 5-20 minutes. After your time is up, spit in the garbage or toilet. Rinse your mouth with a mixture of warm water and salt. Then brush like normal.


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