Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Fondly called "the oxygen tank" by me. (Grin.)

One of the first treatments that I began using after my official diagnoses in 2014 was Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (or "HBOT"). My Naturopath told me that HBOT worked to oxygenate the cells in the body by way of "sealing" you into a cylinder and then filling it with 100% oxygen. She suggested that I use one of the HBOT machines at her clinic and said "let's give it a try and see how you feel after 10 sessions." I did 3 sessions per week and, by session 10, I could feel a slight increase in energy. Nothing "major" and, unlike a lot of HBOT patients, I actually felt groggy for the first 20-30 minutes after a session before the surge of energy kicked in. I'm not sure if it was due to excess fatigue or all of the inflammation built up in my body. Or both. BUT....when I complete a 60 or 90-minute session now, I feel refreshed and recharged when I get out of the tank more often than not! 

Here's a little science on HBOT:

According to www.hbot.com:
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a medical treatment which enhances the body's natural healing process by inhalation of 100% oxygen in a total body chamber, where atmospheric pressure is increased and controlled. 
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy reduces both acute and chronic inflammation by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokine release. (English subtitle: a pathological (chronic/intense) pain trigger.) With more oxygen in the blood system, blood vessels can vasoconstriction (read: restrict their flow) to damaged tissue and reduce the fluid build up (read: swelling/inflammation) without compromising the higher oxygen levels needed for repair.

Generally, oxygen is transported to cells by way of hemoglobin. In the event of an injury or heightened inflammation, your body can't transport enough oxygen to your cells. That's when HBOT comes in handy. HBOT helps to provide a way for your body to regain the capacity to heal itself by way of hyper-oxygenating your cells by way of filtered, pressurized, ambient air which then sendsoxygen directly into your plasma, cerebral and spinal fluids, flooding tissues and vital organs.

So.....what are the benefits of breathing in 100% oxygen? HBOT has been used mainly for wound healing and brain injuries. Athletes use HBOT a lot for speedy recovery from sports injuries and TBIs (traumatic brain injuries). When I broke my elbow last Summer I tried to get in the chamber....but have you ever tried to scoot into something minus an elbow? Yeah....darn near impossible. But after I have surgery in the next month or so to remove the screw that was placed in my elbow, I'll be doing tonnns of HBOT sessions. 

Here's just a small glimpse of some of the other illnesses and injuries that HBOT has been known to help:

    • Brain Injury
    • Stroke
    • Cerebral Palsy
    • Sports Performance and Recovery
    • Cancer
    • Recovery after Surgery
    • Multiple Sclerosis
    • Autism (I have a childhood friend who got his life back from Autism when his parents took charge of his life and working to heal his gut from Mercury poisoning from vaccinations. HBOT was one of the treatments that were done every day when he was little to help oxygenate his cells to help flush the toxins out)
    • Lyme's Disease
    • Wound Healing
    • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis
Those last two were what really piqued my interest in HBOT and help battling fatigue is what sold me on it. I don't have CFS, but I do deal with major fatigue thanks to Sjögren's Syndrome. Unfortunately, people with Autoimmune Diseases deal with oxygen-depleted cells because, well, to put it bluntly, our bodies are trying to kill us and that's one way they try to accomplish it. Yuck. And, when I have a flare up, holy freaking cow, it is bad. (For a quick refresher, just read this.) 

About a year ago, I was dealing with a mega iron deficiency. I was constantly fatigued and we couldn't figure out why. While I was at an appointment explaining my fatigue, my Naturopath looked at my blood work, saw that I was, in fact, Anemic  and suggested an iron shot to boost my levels to help combat the fatigue. I thought, "great! I'll try anything." I got the shot, felt fine, and went on about my day and headed back to work. Well....within an hour a flood of exhaustion hit me. I'm talking a cannot-keep-your-eyes-open-for-anything kind of fatigue. And my heart was racing. And I felt lightheaded. So, back to the clinic I went (have I mentioned how thankful I am that her clinic is literally 1 minute down the road from where I work?) where the Nurse Practitioner checked my BP and heart rate while we waited for my Naturopath. When she came in, she took one look at me and said, "oh boy. Clearly, your body did not appreciate that shot." The shot had jolted my iron levels so high in such a short time that my body freaked. out. Arg. So I had to detox the excess iron out of my body as quickly as possible. For the next 3 or so days, I drank way too much water and also had HBOT treatments. The flow of oxygen helped to combat some of the fatigue while also oxygenating my cells to help flush everything out of my system so we could start back from the top and figure out how to bump my iron levels back up. 

HBOT is completely safe, but there are some people who should to avoid it: pregnant women, people with ear infections/problems, people with sinus problems or experiencing cold/flu symptoms. Don't partake on an HBOT expedition unless and until you consult a medical professional. Be smart, my cyber friends!

Why does it work though? Simply put, and pulled from my Naturopath's website:
Henry's Law of PhysicsAn increase in atmospheric pressure allows for more gas to be dissolved into any given liquid. Oxygen is a gas at room temperature. The human body is composed almost completely of water. Gas...under pressure...dissolves into liquid.
Basically, when you're in the HBOT, it pressurizes while filling with oxygen causing an increase in pressure which allows your blood plasma (the largest component of your blood!) to absorb the additional oxygen - resulting in  increased oxygenation in cells, tissue, organs, glands, and the brain which causes an increase in circulation to help, among other things, decrease swelling and inflammation

Now, what physically happens when you commit to an HBOT session?

First, you climb into this plastic cylinder (there's a pillow and a blanket in there so you can be all cozy and nestle in for a nice cat nap). The technician will help secure you into the cylinder. I can hear you saying, "wait, secure me in? Say what?" Hang on, it's not that bad! They have to zip and strap you in in order to seal the tank to then fill it with 100% oxygen, but it's not terrible. Once you're sealed in, then they turn the machine on and the oxygen fills the cylinder.

When the oxygen fills the cylinder, you'll feel pressure in your ears (think going up in an airplane or scuba diving). I've found that if I sit up straight and either chew gum or force myself to yawn, I can handle the pressurization phase well. 

Once it has fully pressurized, sit back and relax while the clock ticks away! I've read in the tank before but, honestly, it knocks me out. I have the best sleep when I'm in an HBOT session. Some people stay wide awake, so I honestly have no idea why it knocks me out, but hey, I'm not complaining...it's a [scheduled] NAP. For an ADULT. (Happy dance.)

When your session is over, the technician will come back in and turn the machine off, so that it will de-pressurize and safely bring you back to "earth." Your ears will most likely pop again, so be sure to sit up again, chew gum, and yawn. I mean, who doesn't like a good yawn after a nap? :)

Yes, I know that most of the things that I do to treat my AIs are downright crazy but, hey....if it works, it works!



P.S. This broccoli salad has been in my family for years. When I "went Paleo," I had to make some tweaks so I could still enjoy it and now, I'm sharing with you so you can treat yo'self tonight!

Paleo-approved Broccoli Salad
Servings: 6 to 8

4 cups fresh Broccoli, broken into small florets
1/2 cup Celery, diced
1/2 cup Red Onion, diced (no one wants to find a chunk of raw onion in their broccoli salad.)
1/2 cup Golden Raisins
1/2 cup Pecans, roasted and chopped
1/2 cup Bacon, cooked (you could go crazy and increase to 1 cup, I won't judge.)


1/2 - 3/4 cup homemade Mayonnaise (if you're not ready for a challenge, I looooove Primal Kitchen)
1/4 cup Apple Cider Vinegar (I use Braggs)
2 Tablespoons Coconut Sugar


In a medium bowl, combine broccoli, celery, red onion, golden raising, pecans, and bacon; toss. In a small bowl, combine dressing ingredients; whisk together until combined (it will be slightly thick); pour over broccoli mixture and toss to coat. Cover and store in fridge for 1-2 hours. Serve as a side, as a main, or just grab a spoon and go to town. 


  1. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is proven treatment. This blog nicely explain how hyperbaric oxygen work. Thanks for sharing


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